Universally binding declaration for waste management contribution for WEEE
A significant majority of producers and importers of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) have voluntarily concluded an agreement on the waste management contribution for the processing of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). On 18 February 2021, the State Secretary for Infrastructure and Water Management decided to declare this agreement universally binding for the period from 1 March 2021 to 31 December 2025.
The request was submitted by Organisatie Producentenverantwoordelijkheid E-waste Nederland (Stichting OPEN). The agreement was concluded between tStichting Belangen A/V Producenten en Importeurs, Stichting ICT Milieu, Stichting LightRec Nederland, Stichting Metalektro Recycling, Stichting Verwijdering Elektrische Gereedschappen, Stichting Witgoed and Stichting Zonne-energie Recycling Nederland, which represent the interests of their affiliated producers with regard to waste electrical and electronic equipment, and Stichting OPEN.
The agreement forms the financial basis for the implementation of the obligations of Stichting OPEN and serves to finance a collection and processing system for WEEE. Declaring the agreement universally binding is necessary, among other things, to ensure that producers and importers who are not voluntarily part of this agreement are also obliged to pay the waste management contribution.
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