Ultimate producer responsibility for e-waste management

A proposal for just transition in the circular economy based on the case of used European electronic equipment exported to Nigeria

Used European electric and electronic equipment (UEEE) has multiple use cycles in various countries, including Nigeria. Although the EU-Nigeria e-waste trade is illegal under EU and Nigerian law, previous research shows that some imported equipment is only fit for disposal. Imported UEEE has a short lifespan. Such European e-waste exports imported to Nigeria have sustainability and circularity implications for both places and raise questions about justice and equity.

Using a transdisciplinary approach, existing practices and challenges in Nigeria are identified. This research finds that current extended producer responsibility (EPR) does not focus on the entire global value chain, is linear, and lacks transparency, accountability, and consideration for spatial equity. To overcome these shortcomings, the researchers propose ultimate producer responsibility (UPR). UPR aids sustainability and circularity transition while paying attention to justice and equity. The research adds global and social dimensions to the European circular economy, otherwise primarily focused on national material cycles.

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