Transition Agenda for Consumer Goods

The circular economy means that we move away from the idea that the life cycle of products is a linear process from production to waste. Instead, we should view it as a continuous, cyclical (closed) process, which minimizes the loss of products, materials and people, while simultaneously growing employment and the economy.

The Consumer Goods Transition Agenda has been drawn up to realize the above new standard. The agenda is based on seven guiding principles. The principles have been translated into 38 concrete actions that together can realize the transition to a circular economy. Individually, the measures sometimes have a modest impact, but as a complete package they make a circular future possible.

These 38 actions ultimately focus on three core objectives. Firstly, achieving an affordable product price that takes into account external costs, such as social and environmental costs. Second, reducing short cycle products on the market. And finally, the joint development of new business and revenue models.

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