The Netherlands circular in 2050
Government-wide programme for a Circular Dutch Economy by 2050
The national circular economy programme focuses on the development towards a circular economy to be realised before 2050. The ambition of the government is to realise an (interim) target of 50% less use of primary raw materials (mineral, fossil and metals) in 2030, together with social partners. With this target for raw material use, the Netherlands is in line with the level of ambition in comparable countries.
The government wants to outline a perspective for a future-proof, sustainable economy, also for future generations. In concrete terms, this means that in 2050 raw materials will be used and reused efficiently, without harmful emissions to the environment. To the extent that new raw materials are needed, these will be extracted in a sustainable manner and further damage to the social and physical living environment and health will be prevented. Products and materials will be designed in such a way that they can be reused with as little loss of value as possible and without harmful emissions to the environment.
This programme contains the current steps and provides direction for follow-up steps on the road to 2050.
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