The European green deal
The European Green Deal for the European Union (EU) and its citizens resets the Commission’s commitment to tackling climate and environmental-related challenges that is this generation’s defining task. It is a new growth strategy that aims to transform the EU into a fair and prosperous society, with a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy where there are no net emissions of greenhouse gases in 2050 and where economic growth is decoupled from resource use. It also aims to protect, conserve and enhance the EU’s natural capital, and protect
the health and well-being of citizens from environment-related risks and impacts.
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Re-use of cordless vacuum cleaners
The re-use of cordless vacuum cleaners presents interesting opportunities, but battery replacement costs pose a significant challenge. This study, conducted by Second Use on behalf of Stichting OPEN, examines the feasibility of refurbishment and identifies key improvements to extend the lifespan of these appliances.
Re-use van steelstofzuigers
Re-use van steelstofzuigers biedt interessante mogelijkheden, maar de kosten voor accuvervanging vormen een belangrijke uitdaging. Dit onderzoek, uitgevoerd door Second Use in opdracht van Stichting OPEN, analyseert de haalbaarheid van refurbishment en identificeert verbeterpunten om de levensduur van deze apparaten te verlengen