Repair and refurbishment of electrical and electronic equipment

In this study, KplusV investigated the extent to which electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) are repaired and refurbished. The analysis includes sales and collection figures of EEE, the return flow, repair infrastructure and factors influencing product lifespan. Finally, best practices and recommendations for the future are provided.

Through research questions, the current landscape of repair and refurbishment is mapped out. Some of these questions include:

  • What types and how many EEE are introduced to the market in the Netherlands?
  • How extensive is the reverse flow of EEE (online + retail) in the Netherlands?
  • What types and how many repair and refurbishment companies for EEE exist in the Netherlands?
  • Which EEE are suitable for extended lifespan through reuse and repair, and which are not?
  • What lessons can be learned and adopted from examples abroad and other sectors?
  • What specific actions are possible based on the collected data?

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