Impact assessment National Circular Economy Programme
The National Circular Economy Programme 2023-2030 (NPCE) presents the national policy for the circular economy. It concerns more than 265 policy measures aimed at reduction, replacement, reuse and high-quality processing of materials and products. In this report, commissioned by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, the (expected) effects on climate, security of supply, biodiversity and other environmental effects have been mapped out.
Because not all measures in the NPCE have been sufficiently elaborated to be able to be calculated, a selection has been made of measures that have been sufficiently elaborated to be able to be calculated and that have the potential to have a major effect. This concerns a total of 55 measures, clustered in 10 packages. This means that the full effect of the NPCE has not been mapped out. For example, policy measures that need to be elaborated at EU level have not been included, because it is uncertain whether these measures will go ahead.
One of the clusters that has been elaborated is “Extending the lifespan of products”, which also includes electrical and electronic equipment.
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