Extending the lifespan of vacuum cleaners through thrift stores
In collaboration, Stichting Open, Hogeschool Saxion, circular craft centre Foenix and Technohub Inclusive Technology (TINT) have started a research and design project to professionalise the collection and repair of discarded vacuum cleaners.
Used vacuum cleaners are attractive for repairs, but there are currently no pragmatic requirements at the collection location to easily evaluate and objectify whether a vacuum cleaner is eligible for lifespan extension.
The aim of this project is to contribute to the following aspects:
- What defects do discarded vacuum cleaners have?
- How can vacuum cleaners be selected and sorted to make them suitable for reuse?
- How can a thrift store best remedy defects?
In this research you can read, among other things, the design of the project, which vacuum cleaners were selected, the repair process, conclusions and next steps.
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