Environmental impact and health risk assessment of potentially toxic metals from e-waste

This study assessed the environmental impacts and possible health risks of potentially toxic metals emanating from poorly managed e-wastes across three main representative sites in southwest Nigeria. Soil samples were collected from three major cities in Southwestern Nigeria and analyzed for As, Cd, Pb, Cu, Cr, Ni and Zn. Pollution assessments were done using indices including contamination factor (Cf),
pollution load index (PLI) and potential ecological risk index (PERI) coupled with evaluation of non-cancer and cancer health risks.

Results showed enrichment of the local soil with metals due to e-wastes related activities, with an elevated level of Cf, revealing that the soils around the e-waste dumpsites were severely contaminated. Furthermore, the study established varying potentials for carcinogenic health risks for residents around the dumpsites.

The study concluded that poorly managed e-wastes in the area poses significant threats to the health of humans and the entire ecosystem. Further study is recommended to identify similar e-waste dumpsites at regional and national scales for sustainable restoration and improved e-waste management.

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