E-waste in the Metropoolregio Amsterdam
An exploration of the e-waste chain and future logistics scenarios
The aim of this project is to explore the potential of collecting e-waste via return systems, using existing logistical structures and infrastructure.
The following sub-goals have been set to gain insight into the existing e-waste chain:
- Analysis of current e-waste flows and processing methods
- Mapping of stakeholders across the entire chain
- Analysis of opportunities and obstacles
- Sketching contours for possible scenarios that can be further elaborated in future outlook research.
This report describes, among other things: context and results of the material flow analysis, stakeholders involved in the (W)EEE chain, highlighting the (W)EEE chain from the use phase to reuse, identified problems and barriers in the current chain and finally broad scenarios for the future organisation of the (W)EEE chain.
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