E-waste in the ICT Sector
The expeditious developments in technology along with the demand for a high-standard living have resulted in massive production of electronic gadgets, which eventually lead to the generation of huge quantities of obsolescence. With the exponential expanding output of computer hardware, efficient disposal of the electronic waste (e-waste) generated by the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector has become a serious concern. The ICT sector generates a major amount of e-waste, but its management strategies are not well defined.
The present study explored the current status, challenges, and initiatives faced by the ICT sector in handling e-waste. Thereby, a framework of use case diagram has been put forth to develop a web-based model for recycling companies for solving e-waste recycling issues. This review also described the management strategies adopted by various ICT and electronic companies that have faced the challenge to mitigate the problems associated with e-waste.
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