Disentangling the worldwide web of e-waste

The benefits of consumer electronic products have transformed every societal sector worldwide. However, the adverse impacts of electronic waste (e-waste) disproportionately affect low-income communities and marginalized ecosystems in nations with economies in transition. The embodied carbon footprint of new electronic products, especially information and communications technology (ICT) devices, is an important source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, accounting for 67% ± 15% of total lifetime emissions, instigated by mineral mining, manufacturing, and supply chain transportation.

Increasing the useful lifespan expectancy of electronic devices by 50%-100% can mitigate up to half of the total GHG emissions. Such outcomes will require coordination of eco-design and source reduction, repair, refurbishment, and reuse. These strategies can be a key to efforts towards climate neutrality for the electronics industry, which is currently among the top eight sectors accounting for more than 50% of the global carbon footprint

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