Circular luminaires in public spaces

This study focuses on the circular opportunities for luminaires in public spaces, specifically in the End-of-Life (EoL) phase.

This study focuses on the circular opportunities for luminaires in public spaces, specifically in the End-of-Life (EoL) phase. Commissioned by Stichting OPEN, the exploration aims to collaborate with supply chain partners to enhance circularity in this phase. Building on existing initiatives, such as advanced recycling methods, the research seeks to establish new models of collaboration. Through over twenty interviews and field visits with stakeholders, the current challenges and opportunities have been thoroughly analysed.

The report highlights that there is significant willingness within the supply chain to improve EoL circularity, but achieving this requires coordinated actions and close cooperation. Key recommendations include improving data collection, strengthening supply chain partnerships, and fostering transparency and trust. Notable opportunities lie in high-quality aluminium recycling, refurbishment of luminaire housings, and circular procurement strategies. These initiatives can support the Netherlands in achieving its 2030 goal of reducing virgin material usage by 50%.

Three flagship projects are proposed to increase circularity: closed-loop recycling, reuse of LED luminaire housings, and establishing a fully circular supply chain for street lighting. Each project is evaluated for feasibility, impact, and required collaboration, aiming not only to achieve environmental benefits but also to build trust and strengthen cooperation within the supply chain. This report provides a practical roadmap towards a circular future for luminaires in public spaces.

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