Circular Batteries Charging the Future
Collaborating for a sustainable and resilient value chain
Batteries are the foundation of our modern society. From powering our phones and laptops, through starting the engine of our cars and trucks, to storing the energy we generate for later use, they enable our day-to-day lives. Although batteries have been around for decades, their strategic importance has recently experienced considerable growth.
Increasing supply comes with a multitude of environmental, socio-economic and geopolitical challenges. Batteries are mined, produced and moved across a global supply chain with significant negative impacts on ecosystems and local communities. Governments and businesses around the world are confronted with the need to do more with less, and to act fast and locally to ensure a resilient supply.
It is thus becoming increasingly evident that a circular economy for batteries is necessary and beneficial to face these challenges. Circularity represents a unique opportunity to future-proof our economy, society and environment.
The brochure explores the current status and future potential for circularity across the battery value chain in the Netherlands and beyond. The goal to stimulate an international debate on how we can accelerate this much needed transition together, as regulators, researchers, entrepreneurs, consumers or investors.
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