Action monitoring circular economy 2022

In order to arrive at an overarching and coherent picture of the progress of the transition to a circular economy, eight knowledge institutions are working on the Circular Economy Work Programme. In the work programme, knowledge is developed to be able to answer a number of coherent policy questions. The activities are organised within four work packages, each with its own focus:

WP2: Transition monitoring
WP3: Raw materials and impact monitoring
WP4: Scenarios and modelling
WP5: Policy evaluation

The activities in WP2 focus on further developing the theoretical framework for transition monitoring. They are also aimed at actually following indicators that provide an image of the transition in various domains. The latter includes, among other things, action monitoring. This action monitoring describes the results for the 2021 and 2022 rounds. Action monitoring provides an image of the actions from the (national) government and partners of the raw materials agreement, for the benefit of the transition to a circular economy.

The actions examined come from the national Circular Economy programme ‘The Netherlands circular in 2050’ (from 2016), the Transition Agendas (from 2018) and the Circular Economy Implementation Programmes.

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