Critical raw materials in the Dutch Province of Zuid-Holland
What, why and how?
At the request of the Province of Zuid-Holland and in support of the Netherlands Raw Materials Strategy, this report investigates the potential of the Province of Zuid-Holland to take on a greater role in mineral supply chains, with a focus on refining, urban mining and recycling. Critical Raw Materials (CRM) are metals and minerals with significant economic value and whose supply is subject to risks.
Zuid-Holland is uniquely positioned to expand its supply chain capabilities for critical raw materials. This is due to both its existing raw material processing capacity and other related (industrial) capabilities that can complement the raw materials sector. These capabilities relate to (1) logistics, trade and specialised storage; (2) processing/recycling main treatment of CRM; (3) high-tech products; (4) innovation and knowledge development.
If Zuid-Holland wants to expand its mineral capabilities, notable social, environmental, ethical, economic and political challenges as well as opportunities arise for the society, businesses and authorities.
These challenges, opportunities and recommendations for policy makers are described in this report.
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