The socioeconomic gap in e-waste
Data from 27 European Union countries
Although Asia produces the most e-waste, Europe ranks second, and the quantities continue to grow. Proper management of e-waste is crucial for both environmental protection and human health. Adequate collection ensures that no harmful chemicals are released. However, despite efforts, e-waste collection remains low due to various reasons, including inadequate collection systems and social inequality.
This research focuses on the socioeconomic factors influencing the amount of e-waste in 27 European Union countries between 2005 and 2020. The causes of e-waste collection in relation to socioeconomic inequalities have been analyzed. Specifically, this study examines the relationships between e-waste collection, control of corruption, income inequality, employment, and imperfect competition in gas markets.
The findings of this research can contribute to the discussion on the development of an official European system for the collection of electronic waste.
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